Friday, July 17, 2009


Roman Britain

In AD 43, Britain became a province of the Roman Empire when it was invaded by an army under the emperor Claudius. Its links with the Empire, however, had already been long established through trade, population movement and political alliances.

Nevertheless, there was understandably native resistance, notably by Boudicca. But by the 70s AD, much of the island was under Roman control.

Britannia, as it became known, covered the areas of modern England and Wales. Modern Scotland was never fully conquered. By the end of the second century AD, Hadrian’s Wall was the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire, whilst Ireland always remained outside. Roman rule finally came to an end in the early fifth century AD.

The British Museum collection includes thousands of objects that reflect these four centuries of Roman rule, and show how Roman and native culture became mixed. The Romans built towns and villas of stone, brick, tile, plaster and mosaics, and roads to link them. Latin became the official language, and the law, administrative system and currency of Rome were all introduced.

The range of imports increased, and settlers arrived from other Roman provinces in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Native religions and classical beliefs became interlinked. Other cults from the east were introduced, and Christianity became increasingly popular in the fourth century AD.

All this created a complex and diverse society, which is reflected by objects in the British Museum.

Bronze head from a statue of the Emperor Hadrian Roman Britain, 2nd century AD. Found in the River Thames near London Bridge (1834)

Medieval Europe

The late medieval period is difficult to define and different authorities understand different things by the term. It is, however, generally seen to end with the Renaissance. At the British Museum, the years from about 1050-1540 are used to signify the period. This is with the exception of material from Italy where the Renaissance can be seen to begin around the middle of the fifteenth century.

Two major art-historical styles characterise these years. The first is Romanesque (around 1050-1200) and the second is Gothic (around 1200-1540). The Romanesque style is identified by solid, rounded forms and a love of pattern, as demonstrated by the late twelfth century Lewis chessmen. The Gothic style places greater emphasis on graceful, slender figures as shown by the knight and his lady painted on the Shield of Parade towards the end of the fifteenth century.

Late medieval Europe was Christian but the period also saw the establishment of Muslim states on European soil for the first time. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully in southern Italy and Spain for several hundred years. The resulting exchange of ideas saw the transfer of much scientific knowledge to western Europe along with the translation of classical texts and the transmission of chess.

The turbulence of war, religious intolerance and plague has played a significant part in forming an unfavourable impression of the period for many. However, the same period saw the invention of printing and the foundation of modern institutions such as schools, universities and hospitals.

The Lewis Chessmen. Probably made in Norway, about AD 1150-1200. Found on the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland

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